Prices of properties in Bursa compared to other cities

مقارنة أسعار العقارات في بورصة مع مدن أخرى

Prices of properties in Bursa compared to other cities

Prices of properties in Bursa. Bursa real estate is characterized by its rapid development and growth, and its investment projects. In light of the high value of real estate in Türkiye, and the difference in prices from one city to another, we will talk in this article from Ebla Real Estate about the prices of properties in Bursa compared to other cities.


Prices of properties in Bursa compared to other cities


Real estate in Bursa:

The real estate market in Bursa is the most attractive to investors compared to other investments in the city. It is one of the largest cities supporting the Turkish economy as it ranks second after Istanbul industrially and commercially. Additionally, Bursa witnessed a comprehensive renaissance and continuous development. It has strong infrastructure, constructive projects and integrated services. Every neighborhood in Bursa includes vital facilities, entertainment facilities, shopping centers, service centers and transportation systems.

Bursa offers diverse real estate options including residential, commercial and industrial buildings. Moreover, real estate in Bursa is characterized by reasonable prices compared to other cities in Türkiye. Thus, investors can get high returns from their investment in real estate in Bursa.

As a result of being one of the best regions for investment in Turkey, in addition to the large number of urban projects and luxury residential buildings in it; In the statistics for the first quarter of the current year 2023, Bursa ranked fifth among the Turkish states that sell real estate to foreigners, with more than 320 properties.


Prices of properties in Bursa:

As of the end of July 2023, property prices for sale in Bursa have increased by 91.62% over last year. The average price per square meter of residential properties offered for sale in Bursa is 17,738 TL as of the end of July 2023.


Prices of properties in Bursa compared to other cities:

Although Bursa maintains its position among the top 5 states that sell real estate, the price per square meter in Bursa is of average value compared to other Turkish cities. This is a list showing the average prices in Turkey, with examples of the most important cities:

Note: Prices in Turkey are variable according to inflation conditions, in addition to the fact that the price per meter varies in the city itself from one neighborhood to another, taking into account services and others. It is worth noting that the prices that we will mention are average and variable and are considered to have average specifications.

Prices of properties in Bursa compared to other cities

The price of the most expensive real estate in Turkish cities:

  • Istanbul 31.927 TL per square meter.
  • Izmir 26.466 TL per square meter.
  • Mugla 47.439 TL per square meter.
  • Antalya 30,452 TL per square meter.

Average price of real estate in Turkish cities:

  • Ankara 16.501 TL per square meter.
  • Bursa 17.738 TL per square meter.
  • Trabzon 16,344 TL per square meter.
  • Sakarya 17,428 TL per square meter.

The cheapest real estate price in Turkish cities:

  • Ardahan 8.705 TL per square meter.
  • Nigda 11,913 TL per square meter.
  • Kayseri 10.413 TL per square meter.
  • Yozgat 12,414 TL per square meter.

The price per square meter varies according to the building specifications, location, area, and services in various Turkish cities, and the numbers mentioned are constantly changing.

Thus, we talked about the prices of properties in Bursa.

Edited by: Ebla Group Real Estate

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