Kocaeli Turkey

العقارات في كوجالي

Real estate in Kocaeli in Türkiye

Real estate in Kocaeli in Türkiye Real estate in Kocaeli in Türkiye. The real estate sector in Kocaeli has an important place among the popular economic activities. Therefore, in this article from Ebla Real Estate, we will talk about the real estate in Kocaeli in Türkiye.     Kocaeli in Türkiye: Kocaeli is located in the Marmara region. It extends over an area of ​​3,397...

إزميت في تركيا

Izmit in Turkey

Izmit in Turkey Izmit is one of the most important cities in Turkey with charming tourist attractions, amazing sea views and luxurious properties as we will see in this article from Ebla Real Estate.     Information about Izmit in Turkey: İzmit is a city in Turkey, administrative center of Kocaeli Province as well as the Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality. İzmit was known as...

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