Learn Turkish language

معاهد اللغة التركية

Learn Turkish language – Public and private Turkish language learning centers and institutes

Turkey is a favorite destination for tourists and investors from around the world. The desire to learn Turkish increased not only among Turks living abroad but also among foreigners living in Turkey. In This article from Ebla Real Estate, we will talk about how to learn Turkish and the best Turkish language centers and institutes in Turkey.


Table of contents:

  • An introduction.
  • History of the Turkish language.
  • How to learn the Turkish language.
  • Turkish government centers for teaching the Turkish language.
  • Private Turkish language learning centers.


An introduction:

Language is one of the most important factors that play a role in the existence of a nation. Moreover, the simplest way to belong to a civilization is to learn the language of that civilization. Thus, many residents and tourists in Turkey are looking forward to learning Turkish.

Learn Turkish language


History of the Turkish language:

Turkish, which has been a very old language since the existence of the world. Moreover, it has survived to the present day with almost no change. Turkish, which has existed for 4500 years, is spoken by approximately 300 million people today. This language, which has more than 50 accents, is also one of the 7 most spoken languages ​​in the world. 

Turkish is a language that is read as written. In this respect, the learning process proceeds easier and more enjoyable. Although there are many accents, it is quite easy to master the language in general. In addition, developing technological capabilities also provides many facilities for language learning.


How to learn the Turkish language:

  1. Hire a Private Tutor: One-on-one learning can definitely be beneficial, especially if you’re eager to master how to learn Turkish quickly.
  2. Buy a Textbook: You can learn Turkish by yourself, even if you’re a beginner. And if you want clear grammar lessons to guide your journey, textbooks are great for that.
  3. Download a Turkish App: Language learning apps are extremely convenient. You can carry your lessons in your pocket, and access them anytime.
  4. Practice Turkish with native: Practice the language with the Turkish people of the country, through daily dealings with them and making friends, or by watching Turkish drama.
  5. Learn Turkish online: There are many educational websites to study and learn the Turkish language online, such as Yunus Emre website. In addition, you can learn Turkish online through social media such as Facebook and YouTube, where there are several channels to teach Turkish.
  6. Join a Turkish language course: One of the best ways to learn Turkish easily is to join a Turkish language course. It’s just important to study grammar systematically and follow a curriculum that professional linguists prepare. There are many public free of charge centers and private centers to learn Turkish in Turkey.

التعليم في تركيا

Among the most prominent Turkish government centers for teaching the Turkish language to foreigners are:

  • İSMEK: It is the largest lifelong learning center. İSMEK started its activities in 1996 with 141 trainees and 3 branches. Moreover, during 2017-2018 he has trained 2,619.530 trainees across 652 branches within 235 training centers. Furthermore, it offers courses for foreign people who want to learn Turkish on a basic level in order to communicate in daily life. İSMEK centers are not limited to teaching the Turkish language only. However, they teach many languages ​​and crafts, playing musical instruments, embroidery arts, knitting and other useful activities. In addition, ISMEK runs learning centers in various neighborhoods of Turkey. 
  • Halk eğitim Merkezi: Halk eğitim is an educational center spread in all provinces of Turkey. It provides its services for free to Turks and foreigners alike. Moreover, it offers Turkish language courses and other courses. In order to register at Halk eğitim Merkezi, you can register in the center or online. In addition, the Directorate of Education grants the applicant a certificate of the level he has completed.
  • Yunus Emre: It is a public foundation, which was established in 2009. It aims to promote Turkey, Turkish language, its history, culture and art. Moreover, Yunus Emre provides services abroad to those who want to learn Turkish language, culture and art and increase cultural exchange between Turkey and other countries. You can register by visiting the institute’s website. In addition, the duration of study at Yunus Emre Institute is 5 months, and there are no conditions for registration.

Among the most prominent private Turkish language learning centers are:

TÖMER Center: TÖMER Turkish course center is one of the first educational centers established in Turkey to teach the Turkish language to foreigners. It was founded in 1984 for the purposes of teaching languages to foreigners. TÖMER is an institution of Ankara University, run on a revolving fund basis. Language courses are organized throughout the year, with weekday and weekend classes. Moreover, TÖMER has about 55 thousand learners receive language education in one academic year. Courses in TÖMER include Turkish, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Modern Greek, Dutch, Korean, Bulgarian, Chinese, Ottoman language, Arabic, Polish and languages ​​of the Central Asian Turkic Republics. The registration fee at the Tomer Center ranges from $200 to $300.

Dilmer: It is one of the most popular institutes to learn Turkish. Moreover, it is accredited by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of National Education. Since 1999, it has been teaching Turkish lessons to foreigners. There are seven levels in Turkish teaching at Dilmer. When a student completes one level successfully, he automatically gains the right to continue to the next level. The registration fees at Dilmer Institute vary according to the level and duration of study and range from $50 to $300.


Thus, we talked about how to learn the Turkish language and we talked about the most important institutes to learn Turkish.

Edited by: Ebla Group Real Estate

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