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Search Results, you can find many options of apartments and investment and residential

real estate in the Turkish city of Bursa with Ebla Real Estate Company in Bursa.

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Real estate is the land with any additions attached to it, whether they were natural or

man-made including water, trees, minerals, buildings, homes, bridges.

The real estate is a form of real estate property.

In spite of the size and complexity of the real estate market, many people tend to think that

the real estate sector consists only of real estate brokers and salespeople.

However, many professional officers and companies including engineers, banks, property

insurance companies, surveyors, lawyers, and others rely on the real estate sector.

Real estate is an important engine of economic growth in Turkey, based on the statistics issued

by the Turkish Statistical Center on the number of sold housing units that were built annually,

such as independent houses (villas) or residential complexes that contain several housing units.

Investors and economic analysts in Turkey are closely monitoring the operations of housing

construction because the numbers can provide important information about the direction of the

economy in Turkey, for example, if the construction companies are heading towards building

residential complexes, it indicates a shortage of apartments in the real estate market which will lead

to an increase in the prices of apartments and thus a rise in the economic indicator in the country.

Undoubtedly, we at Ebla Group Real Estate, and through our presence in the Turkish real estate sector

and working on marketing and real estate development in Turkey, can help you to own real

estate in Turkey, choose the right location for real estate investment, manage the investments

and redevelop the property in proportion to your requirements professionally and safely

within the terms and conditions set in the real estate ownership law in Turkey.

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